Nowadays, e-learning platforms are getting a boost with every passing year. That is why the tech giants are also preferring it and offering the best learning solutions. Apart from that, COVID-19 Pandemic also introduces the importance of eLearning platforms. These days students are more likely to use these platforms to study and learn new things. Most tech giants are also offering the best e-learning platform such as Grow with Google, Amazon Academy, and many more. Therefore LinkedIn also gets into the e-learning platform, i.e., known as LinkedIn Learning Hub. It is a comprehensive platform for both individuals and businesses. It is offering the best potential training opportunity for career progression. As well as business growth. It also helps in highlighting the relevant skills and career opportunities. Before we talk more about this platform. Let’s talk about LinkedIn:-

What is LinkedIn?

Linkedin is the leading network for professionals over the Internet. It is the first place to find eight jobs and internships. Apart from that, it is also used to connect with other professionals and create professional relationships. It has more than 300 million active users every month. LinkedIn is easily accessible from desktop and mobile apps. Apart from that, LinkedIn also has Lite android mobile apps for low-network areas. Every professional should have an account on LinkedIn. But for better visibility and results, one should have a complete Linkedin profile. It means that with a complete Linkedin profile, users can easily connect with lots of job opportunities. With the help of showcasing their professional skills, experience, and educational background. It also has many features, such as joining groups, writing articles, posting photos and videos, etc.

Overview of LinkedIn Learning Hub

LinkedIn Learning Hub has the capabilities of traditional LXP. In traditional LXP it aggregates all the company learning resources. But LinkedIn Learning Hub is much more than this. It uses the insight from the Skills Graphs. And this skills graph has the data of the world’s most comprehensive skills with over 36k+ skills, and 24M+ job postings. And the largest network of professionals with over 740M members. It also empowers the customers with richer skills development insight and personalized content. Apart from that, it is community-based learning.

Let’s talk about the three key elements of the LinkedIn Learning Hub that maximize opportunities:-

Personalized content recommendations

It is based on the user’s LinkedIn profile and related job listings. It helps the users and the business identify the key industry trends and opportunities to maximize their growth. In other words, it recommends the key industry content to the users and businesses as per their profiles.

Community-based learning

It is used to help users to find relevant mentors and network connections. Apart from that, it also helps them to connect with internal experts and peers. All of them can help the users build their career prospects and keep moving in the right direction

Skills development insights based on LinkedIn data

With the help of this, the business uses job listing and usage trends to highlight increasing interest and demands. It also shines the light on emerging pathways and opportunities. It also showcases the specific elements that are required to take the next steps.

Journey of Linked Learning Hub

The world is becoming more competitive for the tech giants also. They are working on their research and development to be at the top of the world. Therefore LinkedIn has also been working on various similar tools for learning in various forms. Over the past few years, the approach of having an e-learning platform has ramped up. And the pandemic has also played a crucial role in it. Let’s have a look at how LinkedIn worked for its Linked Learning Hub:-

Most recently, LinkedIn finally launched its Learning Hub. It is providing more ways for users to identify potential job matches. The major goal of this platform is to offer relevant courses to help maximize more opportunities for the users. With this outstanding platform, users can easily grow their skills.

It is one of the most powerful initiatives from LinkedIn. It also has become a need in the next stage of economic recovery. The world has changed because of COVID-19. The world is not similar to the pre-pandemic situation. Now online businesses are getting a boost as compared to other businesses. As e-Commerce and other digital businesses are offering more sets of redefined career paths. In other words, digital businesses are also offering new job opportunities to users.

The changes are significant, and the users need to grow their skills at regular intervals. For this, LinkedIn Learning Hub is quite beneficial for users to grow their skills with the help of professional guidance. Moreover, it helps to maximize the potential of the users in various ways to be job-ready.

What Have We Learned?

Although LinkedIn worked with But having a separate e-learning platform is not the best decision. That is why LinkedIn acquired and now combines it with the LinkedIn Learning Hub. So now, the users can enjoy all the Lynda courses within LinkedIn Learning Hub. As a result, LinkedIn Learning Hub has become the best platform for data projection, guidance, and learning capacity. It is a great platform for professionals and now helping users to get ready for futuristic jobs. It has also become a tough competitor of all the e-learning platforms.