Heading into 2023, the signs of bloom that appeared for the Information Technology (IT) industry over the past few years will continue to blossom. COVID-19 gave every kind of business a hard time. However, the organizations that have made it through the ongoing turmoil are using their resilience as a springboard to the future. Many organizations in the IT industry now focus on writing their next chapter. There are a few software industry trends you should know to properly understand what 2023 holds for the IT industry. 

  • You can’t pretend that it’s business as usual

The pandemic has taught entrepreneurs and executives that it is dangerous to not evolve with time and to assume that it is business as usual. Doing things as you have always done them can be dangerous for business even if you are okay with minimal growth. If your business does not evolve an evolved business will steal your customers. 

You have to analyze your operations and think about where innovation is needed the most. Customers are changing, while they do not deny that technology plays a big role in their life and businesses, they also demand more features. Business owners look at the ROI of every tech purchase. Customers are becoming more tech-savvy, so they expect more from service providers. It is time to change your business model to align with user behavior in the digital economy. While the sentiment of the people is positive towards technology. However, any new technology that comes must prove its worth.

  • Talent Management

You cannot talk about evolving with time without discussing the workforce. Tech companies face immense problems in hiring and retaining talent. They have to figure out a way to manage the talent. The next big question is what your remote work policy will be. Will you be providing a remote work policy? Will you create a hybrid work environment? Or will your organization stay traditional? Then the employers will have to assess the output their employers provide with a remote or hybrid work environment, and then compare it with a normal office environment. If the results are positive, companies are likely to encourage remote or hybrid work culture. Many companies have already conducted such research, but the results are different for every team. 

Since a lot of people quit their jobs or moved to another place during COVID-19 because of the great resignation. The coming year will test employers as they try to fill in positions with talented staff. 

  • Metaverse initiatives will try to provide a holistic customer experience

Metaverse has been the biggest surprise in the past year as no one saw it coming. Mark Zuckerberg certainly has created a big hype and users are just waiting to see what is coming. A quick review of trending search terms shows that Metaverse has been a trending term in the IT industry along with AI, blockchain, and machine learning. With all the buzz around this new technology, the new question turns out to be: what is metaverse? 

The first impression that everyone has of this new technology metaverse is that it will be a virtual reality-powered world with avatars. However, the metaverse simply represents online life. This means that people have existed in the metaverse for over more than a decade. In that case, VR does not represent the next phase of online life for everyone but it represents a new way of doing digital interactions. Instead of viewing the metaverse as a new VR-based phase of the internet, it can be beneficial to view it as an extension of omnichannel customer experiences. 

The Metaverse is simply a vector of digital connection and other products like Zoom also exist on the same vector. VR adds a greater level of immersion, but there are a limited number of applications where that level of immersion pays off. In 2023, many IT organizations will decide whether they need something like the metaverse for their products or not. 

  • Increased demand for cloud computing adoption

The software industry outlook for the future is positive regarding cloud computing adoption. Cloud computing has been the trend for the past few years. Most organizations are taking a cloud-first approach because it is easier for them to manage their operations this way. When a business is looking for an IT solution, they look for the most reliable solution and that has turned out to be cloud-based systems in the past. Experts don’t think that anything will change in 2023 and they believe that cloud-based solutions will continue to dominate the market by providing superior business solutions. 

Companies are now able to get solutions that solve their problems without a headache. However, the low barriers to entry in cloud computing marketing have allowed companies to create their own cloud-based solutions. This means that competitors will be on the rise and some of your potential customers will choose in-house development. 

  • New businesses put pressure on established IT companies

In the past few years, a new plethora of IT companies has emerged all over the world. For some businesses, it is a bit of a headache to choose from so many potential vendors but now they no longer rely on popular established IT companies. 

The established companies have a few advantages as they have more experience. For example, new SaaS vendors don’t know much about setting up a partner program, benefits, compensation, enablement, and customer support for their ecosystem. 

That’s a bad sign for the new players and if you do not know this, your new business will not last long. You may gain customers from established IT firms, but in time you will lose them. The expanding IT service provider market in 2023 means only one thing and that is both the established firms and new players need to up their game. The one who provides the better service and experience will win and retain customers. Adopting new technology doesn’t make a great product, you should ensure that the user is satisfied. 

  • IT companies eye greater automation with both enthusiasm and concern.

When automation is done right it can lead to operational efficiency, innovation, and excellent customer service. However, most experts who have actually dealt with automation will tell you that there is more to the picture than meets the eye. Everyone is enthusiastic about adopting new technology, but only a few investigate thoroughly about this future technology. Automation is complicated and before applying it you need to understand all aspects of it. 

Everyone thinks of automation and imagines automated cars, robots performing surgery, robots cooking food, etc. However, the truth is that most of the tasks performed by automation in the business world are not nearly as awesome as we think. 

Robotic Process Automation tools help automate everyday tasks which span from simple to complex. It can be a data entry or something like expense reporting. On the other hand, more sophisticated Business Process Automation systems are holistic in nature, executing and optimizing the lifecycle of a business and its workflow components. For years, the automation topic has been a point of debate, and successful IT companies are already using it. Just not in the fancy way you imagined. 

In 2023, MSPs will use or experiment with automation to some degree as optimism for it runs high. While there is optimism for automation, business owners worry that if they do not adopt it, their competitors will beat them. Automation gives a business a lot to like. 

Features like instantaneous price quotes, faster service delivery, and customized marketing attract service providers. 

However, one thing that concerns service providers is the multiple moving parts in each MSP. There is vendor-to-MSP automation, internal MSP business automation, and MSP-to-customer automation. Coordination among these three requires the right automation pieces in each setting, but ones that can work in an integrated manner. 

Integrating all these moving pieces of business information and then automating it is extremely difficult. That’s why this hasn’t happened till this date or at least the efforts have not been successful. 

So even if vendors introduce automation it is still disconnected in parts. The lack of integration makes it difficult to oversee the automation functions. Finally, there is the question of the human touch which many businesses prefer. 

In a nutshell, businesses are excited about automation and may experiment with it. However, they also have some concerns which need to be addressed for automation to actually work. Otherwise, it is something incomplete or still developing.

  • Inflation and an upcoming recession

Economic factors affect the technology industry too and those economic factors will be a recession and rising inflation rates. The United States had the highest inflation rates in 40 years and a recession is also likely. Under such circumstances, it will be more expensive for companies to buy supplements. However, customers will no longer be willing to pay the same price. So, businesses will either lose customers or be at loss. For big firms like Amazon, Meta, and Google, it could simply mean less revenue. This can lead to massive layoffs happening in 2023. Not only will these layoffs be happening in big companies but small companies will also not be immune to this economy and will be forced to lay off their employees. So, if you work in the technology sector this is the right time to upskill yourself.

  • Decentralized identity will form Web3 efforts

Although cryptocurrencies took a hit along with the stock market. Building on the concepts of cryptocurrency, Web3 is a broad term that describes the next generation of internet dynamics. The first version of the internet largely had content created by corporations and consumed by the masses. 

After that, in the second version, the content was created by individuals and also consumed by them. The individual could choose to either be a creator or a consumer. The major innovation of Web 2.0 was social media platforms where individuals would create and post content. 

Now, Web3 aims to provide even more power to individuals by decentralizing traditional models for publication and transaction, giving the individual a sense of ownership. In the current stages, there is a lot of scepticism around Web3 especially, since NFTs failed to deliver on their promise. The scepticism seems legit because new platforms that promise disruption end up being new versions of centralized gatekeepers. 

Despite all the scepticism, the noise around Web3 will continue to rise in 2023, but the key area to focus on is the evolution of digital identity. 


The technology industry is a true force to be reckoned with because of its role in the economy and the lives of its users. The size of the industry makes it one of the most dominant industries in the global economy. The rapid growth rate and pace of change within the industry make it a key player in developing business standards and regulations. It is also important for this industry to take responsibility because they create technology like AI which needs to be humanized. Our technology will only do as good as we do. 

The impact of technology goes far beyond the core tech industry. While there are a lot of opportunities in the digital product development or service delivery sector. Many new opportunities are also opening up in the world as technology influences every business and every industry vertical. It is important for a country’s technology sector to do well yearly because it affects the GDP of the country which affects the number of jobs in the country. 

Since technology impacts the world, directly and indirectly, it’s not surprising to know that most people have positive sentiments toward the industry. While there are some things that you should be careful about in 2023, your chances of succeeding in the technology sector are high. 

Businesses that do not shy away from adopting new technology are also more likely to succeed than businesses that shy away from technology. However, as a new year is coming it is important to understand mistakes that can be avoided while adopting technology or mistakes that can be avoided as a service provider.